The Odontological Collections at the Royal College of Surgeons of England

Farrell, M.
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The Odontological Collection at The Royal College of Surgeons of England is a large research source that contains a variety of both animal and human cranial material. Accumulated over the past two centuries, the collection now consists of over 11,000 specimens that are used by researchers in a diverse range of fields. The array of species represented presents many possibilities for comparative anatomy studies. Although stored in species order, the material has been categorised into two groups; those displaying growth of the teeth and jaws, and those displaying pathology or malformation. The most extensive aspect is the primate collection, which consists of approximately 3,000 complete skulls that encompass every extant genus. This material is of particular relevance to those involved in the natural sciences. Catalogue details are available on the online catalogue ‘Surgicat’ (

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