Movers, not shakers: challenges and solutions for relocating an entomology collection

Herrero, A.E.
Chandler, K.
Viscardi, P.
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Collections moves can pose significant challenges for the care and conservation of the objects contained therein, but they also offer opportunities to improve conditions. Here we discuss our experiences of dealing with the movement of approximately 1 million dry entomological specimens held by the National Museum of Ireland – Natural History from an historic building to a modern offsite location. Protocols for the movement of specimens were devised, implemented, reviewed and improved upon in an effort to minimise the impact of agents of deterioration during the move. We raise concerns about the use of very low temperatures when treating entomology collections for pests, and conclude with recommendations on freezing protocols for Plastazote®-lined entomology drawers and carded specimens.

IPM, integrated pest management, collections moves, entomology, protocols, freezing, insect cabinets, insect boxes, pesticide
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