Anthrenus species (Coleoptera; Dermestidae) found in UK museums with special reference to A. museorum Linnaeus, 1761, the museum beetle

Holloway, G. J.
Pinniger, D. B.
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An important component of integrated pest management in natural history museums is the identification of pest insects. A small number of Anthrenus spp. can be encountered including A. verbasci, varied carpet beetle, and A. sarnicus, Guernsey carpet beetle. A species that would reasonably be expected to be found in natural history museums is A. museorum, museum beetle. However, the museum beetle is rarely, if ever, found indoors. A possible reason for this is provided. Identification of four Anthrenus spp. is considered including potential sources of confusion and levels of variation that need to be taken into account.

Anthrenus, Anthrenus museorum, Anthrenus verbasci, Anthrenus sarnicus, IPM, pest management, carpet beetle
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