Lucie Mascord
Conservator of Natural History, Lancashire Conservation Studios & Freelance
Lancashire Conservation Studios
Lancashire County Council Museums Service
St Marys Street
Telephone: 01772 530213
I am the conservation representative for the NatSCA committee. In this role I established the conservation working group; a group of conservation peers who work with natural history collections representing the sector across the UK. Together we support NatSCA in its role to advocate for and represent natural history conservation. I have organised two conservation conferences in Oxford 2018 and on Twitter in 2021. I am also on the NatSCA editorial board.
I am an accredited natural history conservation specialist supplying services to the heritage sector across the country. I have developed an expertise with taxidermy and fluid collections. With my background as a human anatomist, I also undertake work on human remains and medical collections.
I am a trustee of Icon (Institute of Conservation), and an assessor for the Icon professional accreditation qualification (ACR). I am currently the secretary of the Inclusion & Diversity task and finish group, looking at the issues within Icon and the wider field and making recommendations that will seek to start addressing imbalances.